To give you an idea of how much of a geek I really am, here is my iPod. Yes music is one of most important things in my life so yes I am a really big nerd about it... Ok ok, I know what youre thinking, CLEAR IPOD???? yes they do make a clear front panel (its called an ivue) and yes its probably a waste of money, but DAMN does it look cool! Ive wanted one for almost a year and I finally broke down and said fuck it, Im buying it. Now here is the real geek reason. Those yellow wires are not in your ipod (unless youre a geek like me). They are there to bypass the internal output capacitors. Basically because of the size of the internal components the have some limiting factors, like frequency response. Therefor by bypassing them I am able to use higher quality output capacitors and my music sounds more like it should....
AHHHHHH... so now when trying to explain that to regular joe I will no longer get the DUH look because I can go "Looky here. theres some wires, and theres some missing pieces, get it?"
Ahhh, internal bliss.
hey, don't scare me like that....
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