Monday, December 7, 2009

Diggin it

So, lots going on and nothing at the same time. Kinda puts me in a weird mood where I can go from being insanely intense about doing something to not wanting to do anything at all. I didn't even know what to buy at the grocery store, I'm just not in the mood for it. I guess I just miss having to consider someone else when making simple decisions.

Monday, November 9, 2009

its so slitso.

I love flying this plane, but seriously don't give me a pilots license! HAHAHA VROOOOM SMASH BANG CRASH! fucking awesome.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Scotch scotch scotch scotch... Miammmm. Winter = Scotch + a good book + music blarin' through my headphones.

Perfect evening.

ps- im totally drunk on something other then this drink, or any drink. What the WTF

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I have bled and I have given
the longest of rivers and the longest of ropes
And you're not grasping and my light is sinking on the horizon
Knee deep among your wreckage and uncertainty
with anguish my crown and heartbreak my throne
I lay claim to this day - No love, no hope
I've lost count of the second chances
I lay claim to this day - No love, no hope

Monday, October 26, 2009

an attempt with a 3x2 prop...

Another Slitso attempt....

Friday, October 23, 2009


Pretty sure the aileron servo stripped in on of the last crashes cuz after one turn i had no right.......

Monday, October 12, 2009


Thanksgiving long mountain bike day. Im tired and ready for cuddles, where you at?
Seriously fun though, I love the mountain fixie! next year its a new bike for sure.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Go big or go home

18 inches of fixed gear bunny hop fun, thats how we do it round hurrrrrrrrr. To be honest, I didnt even know I could bunny hop a foot on my fixed gear! Well, time to practice, next time is 2 feet!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

appliances have gone berserk
i cannot keep up
treading on people's toes
snot-nosed little punk

and i can't face the evening straight
you can offer me escape
houses move and houses speak
if you take me there you'll get relief, relief, relief, relief

and if i'm gonna talk
i just want to talk
please don't interrupt
just sit back and listen

cos i can't face the evening straight
you can offer me escape
houses move and houses speak
if you take me there you'll get relief, relief, relief, relief
relief, relief

it's too much, too bright, too powerful
too much, too bright, too powerful
too much, too bright, too powerful
too much, too bright, too powerful

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Fly away

Fly, fly, fly on by. I wish I could get in and fly away.
You would think my life was simple, with a few pleasures to distract one of the task at hand, but seriously.... why do I always pick the tough straw? and THEN add another?

fuck. fuck. fuck. shit. fuck. shit.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

More more more more

Seriously, 80% of todays session tickled... WTF! like... I was actually laughing! Oops I moved and messed up a strait line, sorry. Apparently I do a lot better in the afternoon then at night. From now on noon is Tattoo Hour. Amazing. Its really coming together, I like it a lot!

What a testing life Im living right now. I definetly cant go back to what that was before, but would it be different this time? Or is that even the dirrection I want it to go... what about you... youre good at eluding me from what it is you want to say.

And you too, what do you want. Sometimes the things you say really bring me back down to earth from the cloud Im living on... its like "oh.. I see". Some times I come down a little to hard and it hurts a little... oh well, thats life I guess.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


My first even of the year, little late I admit but as my dad always said; better late then never!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

La vie est belle.

What an end to a summer. Hell, it finally feels like summer! basically all summer SUCKED until this last month. Its been AWESOME.

Today was just perfect. Woke up amazingly, lazily got ready for the day. Went for an AMAZING fast ride to the suburbs. Met a super chill guy at a hobby shop. Got directions from a friend for a good way back. Had a nice chat with the beard man about life and work. Came home to what seems to have turned this summer around, and shared something special. Put on some rock&roll, fixed my helicopter and practiced my hand eye coordination.

Friends. Life. Toys. Love. Fresh. Learning. Sharing. Full. Content. Happy.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


5 hours later.... I didnt know I could endure pain that long... apparently my mind can endure it longer then my body ever.... interesting.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009


To give you an idea of how much of a geek I really am, here is my iPod. Yes music is one of most important things in my life so yes I am a really big nerd about it... Ok ok, I know what youre thinking, CLEAR IPOD???? yes they do make a clear front panel (its called an ivue) and yes its probably a waste of money, but DAMN does it look cool! Ive wanted one for almost a year and I finally broke down and said fuck it, Im buying it. Now here is the real geek reason. Those yellow wires are not in your ipod (unless youre a geek like me). They are there to bypass the internal output capacitors. Basically because of the size of the internal components the have some limiting factors, like frequency response. Therefor by bypassing them I am able to use higher quality output capacitors and my music sounds more like it should....

AHHHHHH... so now when trying to explain that to regular joe I will no longer get the DUH look because I can go "Looky here. theres some wires, and theres some missing pieces, get it?"

Ahhh, internal bliss.

hey, don't scare me like that....

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Lady Bug

So I was browsing my usual forums (this time airplane building stuff, yeah im a geek shutup) and I came across a design I thought would be really cool! so I asked where to get a set of plans and I think I got the nicest most inspiring message ever. Here it is:

Look at post #1 and get the general idea; Post #3 says span is 21-1/2"... see solid sheet stab and elevator and rudder... some guys use a brass tube and make a full operating elevator and rudder [like jets use] supported inside the fuse, and a brass tube inside the one glued to the fuse which has the rudder glued to it, or the elevator glued to it. Solder a little wire to the inside tube for the servo wire to connect to, etc. So a 21" span and guess at 120 sq. in. wing means... draw a circle for the wing tips.... sat 7" dia, A=pi r squared... ahhh... 38 sq in... from 120... so ... 80 sq in needed for center section... at 7" chord...ahhh 11-1/2" center section... plus 3.5 tip plus 3.5 another it comes out 18-1/2" wing span... a little too small [maybe]. So use an 8" circle, and 8" chord...and 13-1/2" straight.... that's 21-1/2" span ... = 50 sq and center = 108 sq... total 158 sq inches. That would be nice and slow, and the full acting stab-er-vator and full acting rudderavator would be good for such a slow Lady Bug. [need lots of area for slow moving planes, like the indoor stuff] Guess at a fat rib for the wing [from post #1] Guess at the fuse dimensions by drawing the wing side view on paper, then draw and 'fit' a fuse to match the wing... add elevatorertator and rudderervator and some bent wire landing gear.....and a bamboo tail skid....make some blue foam wheels... balance it 25% to 33% back from the LE and take off from a big sheet of cardboard box [from the refrigerator supply man] BING !! Now you're a designer and a hero!! [of coourse, yoou can change dimensions to make it look like you want]

Thursday, August 6, 2009

waking up next to you.....

Monday, August 3, 2009

There is something peaceful about this morning. From the second I awoke and took my first morning breath... the air was fresh and different. Quiet. I can't quite put my finger on it but I know something is going on in the universe today, my universe....

Sunday, August 2, 2009

sleep. I could sleep again. Now I don't know.
The last few days have been so full of amazing things, it was like a dream, a dream that's reality and feels too good. But really, are you ready? you're not ready, so we're not ready.
Move on. Grow, continually. Push your way through the thick, and flatten the mountains. Find the peace, inside. Change...

Change is good... Change..

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

surprising as usual

Surprised as usual. Really, I should get used to it. Everyone somewhat close to me in my life always likes to pull a little something out of their pocket. Right on! It definitely keeps things interesting. Tough decisions on top of that, feelings crossed, directions unknown, its the mystery of life. I think I'm starting to get the hang of it, go with the flow, feel it.

...ride the wave

Monday, July 27, 2009


First I can't sleep anymore. I don't know what has happened but I just cant get to sleep anymore. I don't know whats going on but this really needs to stop NOW. fuck.

Sleepless night, awake with a sore back that throughout the day migrates to a sore neck. Sore neck becomes almost unbearable to the point where I can barely finish work. I have NEVER had a pain like this before. It is nothing like anything I've felt before, it's mind numbing. And it continues....

So numbing in fact that, for the first time in my life of fixed gear bicycle riding, I get my finger stuck between the cog and the chain. I've heard a million stories about people losing fingers and having them sewn back on but now its my turn. Alas, it could have been much worse as I have only lost a small piece of my thumb, but still its painful. Painful enough for me to forget about my neck for the ride home from work.

Everything happens for a reason....

....what do I do now

Sunday, July 26, 2009

This weekends project.

I decided to finish the micro glider this weekend.. Id have to say its one of the nicest models Ive ever built. The question now remains; will it fly as good as it looks. Well ask the weather man to let up on this SHITTY weather and we can find out!

I put a lot of effort into this model hoping that it will inspire Bisnaire to get back into building. I know youre a busy old fart, scouring the deep blue fer' yer perfect wench, but c mon!

Other then that I've had a good weekend. One late night full of powerful conversations and another chillin with good ol' Joey. Relaxing days finished with educational nights, me likey likey.

...excited to see where this is headed, I enjoy the movement

Saturday, July 25, 2009


St-Anne, now thats a nice place. Everytime I go up the Gondola my ears pop! its so high I love it! and the view! Its really a nice place... Too bad I fell twice in my race run! HAHA... I guess thats what happens when you dont practice... Oh well, I had fun, and thats what its about for me.

I admire your intelligence, but I'm courious of your strength.
Show me what you're capable of.....

Friday, July 24, 2009

In and out,
Whats this all about.
Lead to your demise.

To go.
To live.
To fight.
To win.
All means the same.

The question always remains,


Tuesday, July 21, 2009


WHAT! something about pastries? something about calling a girl a tart.. I dont really get it, but hey.

Fuck yeah DQBIKERIDEBIXI. Thats what Im talkin'bout on monday!

I CANT sleep. I dont know what the heck happened but Im tired and I cant pass out. FUCK. Its too hot for me even with the fan directly on me, sons of beaches!

THANKS! seriously, you have no idea what you did to me! finally I am free! FREEEEE.... Free from one and trapped in another, it isnt so bad, atleast its fresh...

But a repeat? Really close to one Ive seen before, clearly I missed something important there. Socializing. I guess I must attract the butterfly to push me into the crowd. It's all good, I'll figure it out. Lets just hope this one doesnt explode!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Twice in two weeks I've been stopped by the police and questioned!

"what were you doing riding out of the park"
ITS A FUCKING PARK jeeze. playing with my toys! is that against the law?
"did you see anyone running??"
I dunno, its a PARK! I would think that its pretty common for people to run there....

I really better make sure Im on the right side of the law! Im getting stopped and questioned when Im doing nothing, I would hate to see what happens when I do something wrong! SHOT probably.....

As for my new toy, FAIL. too fast for my n00b reflexes... Better practice more...


You all know I'm just a big kid! look more new toys! weee! I am really enjoying this building airplanes thing... I mean, Its pretty damn geeky but I get to keep my hands busy, building and creating. This is the newest little creation. A kit from Plantraco which I got yesterday and build last night. lightly sprayed with spray paint and a little sharpie for some detail... the question remains now, will I be able to fly it? HA

Other then that, things are interesting as always. Still learning and growing, but maybe in ways and towards things I did not expect. Heck thats what makes life so exciting! Im not exactly sure why some of these things happen, but I enjoy them... Keep it coming! show me your best shot!

Maybe youre in Halifax, thats what my mom thinks. Or maybe youre right here. Im sure I will find out soon enough, because I need too.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


I sent this pic to my dad. Im happy i could do that. It was like 14$ but I think its worth it for him to have a nice picture of me racing... speaking of racing, the next 3 weekends i have races.... FUCCCCCCCCCCk. i am going to be realllllllly poor. Rice and beans anyone???

On another note, i fucked my computer in the ear. totally fucked up the bootloader (darrin told me not to mess with it, i should have listened). Oh well, I will be up all night trying to get it back on line...

Other then that, my weekend was nice. Relaxing. I didnt really do much, finished BSG which is AWESOME but I am actually kinda sad that its over... really sad. To anyone that hasnt seen it, you need to watch it. 4 seasons of amazing writing and acting. super dope series.

and other other then that, I had poutine for dinner and it was amazing. I should start eating poutine more, maybe bulk up a little for those cold lonely winter nights....

Friday, June 26, 2009

20mm of POWER

FINALLY got my fucking fork! WOOOOO! its soo big and beefy, really makes up for my skinny-ness. Time to tear the shit up and do some fucking big stuff. thats what I'm sayin.

I need a break though. Just a little one. with someone, somewhere, not here.

Hmmm who, what, and where....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I can ride my bike with wide handlebars!!

What a wild last 48 hours.
Party at the bosses place in Laval, never been there before. Got pushed in a pool, 1 hour bike ride home in wet shoes, beautiful night. Interesting...

Lazy day, an answer to a boring question I was about to ask. No further response. But the timing puzzles me. How can the answer come before the question unless there is some sort of connection.

Night with the guys, a friend I didnt expect to see, almost another. Nice bike ride home. Took my daily picture to express myself to you, I hope you check.

And in all of that; "A" wanted a beer, "B" - creme glace, and a dreamer asks for fun or company - unknown. All of which are turned down as my thoughts stay on the same, strait, course.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Blue Beach Party

So the BBP was a riot. Broken table, coconut cup, blue gin and tonic's and a beer soaked bed.

What more could you ask for?

.....someone to help clean up! hahaha. naw just kiddin, its allllll good.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Big Enough For Ya?

Deffffinetly the biggest air I've ever done on a fixed gear.... it took me a while to get it but once I did, 3 in a row. I don't think I could have done it without Austrian Death Machine as my soundtrack. Seriously, check that project from the singer of As I Lay Dying out. It's Total Brutal.

Other then that, I'm really tired. I have no idea why, or maybe I do. I'm starting to think that with nothing filling the gap each day is harder then it needs to be. Apparently I'm always angry at work too, that's gotta change. I liked when I had something to make me smile throughout the day. Something to get my mind off of the daily grind. Something that wasn't a possession, but a part of me.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Just wait till you see the riding pics...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

whats the deal

Is it a re-occurring lapse in judgement, the desire for the things one can't have, or have I finally gone crazy.

It's really the question 'why'. I know what it is I want, but I don't know why.... Or do I know why and am I just afraid of the confidence that comes with knowing. From a distance I am strong and confident, but when I get close I close my bubble and observe instead of creating actions for reaction. I feel the need to express myself with actions and not words, yet I know the latter will make the actions much easier.


I think I missed that lesson earlier on and now I'm paying for it. Do I even have the patients! It always seems too late, but is it? Why would it still be there if it was too late..

Why; there it is again. I know why, It's because I need to get this lesson in life. How to be confident in myself without being a dick. How to express myself in a way that you can understand, that I can understand. How to continually grow. Sure I've figured out how to not go backwards, but I pause and I know it.

I need you. I know you're out there and you need me too.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Mad catwalk around a corner gone bad.... fuuuuck.

Hey, I'm not a toy. Do you know that?

Sunday, June 7, 2009


4:35 AM
The water is perfectly clear as glass.
A place to sit for two,
Passed by one.

Took this with the camera on my phone and Im really surprised at how it looks, I like it.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Larry and I made sweet spoke cards cuz we are freakin hilarious.... then I shot him, oops! I swear I didnt think I would hit him.

Who wants to come watch a movie?

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Did my hand get eaten by a chainring at work or did I get new handlebars and stem.... Or both?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

It Has Begun.

BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPP BRAAAAAAAAP!!!!!! First race of the season in Tremblant this weekend. WEEEE.

other then that, cuddles? Herrrrooo???

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

Can something never started, finish?

"Yeah, I think she is a good girl for you"
"Uh, she doesn't like me"
"Oh really? are you sure? it doesn't seem like that"
"yeah I'm sure"

But am I?
As I fill my days with the things I enjoy; bikes, creation, music, and friends, I wonder what it is I am missing.
I still don't understand how its possible, if its possible.
Is it?

Ohhhh sunshine...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I could spend every night like this.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Lotek kicks

New kicks from the Romanian King. Gay Sundays? I hope its not raining cuz I'm feelin lonely. Rain only makes it worse....

Friday, May 8, 2009


I guess it's my years for funny haircuts....


As I try to wash you from my skin, I realize it will not be that easy...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

monked out

No caption needed for this one, you can figure it out yourself.

Look at the picture.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

birthday cake.

And god said "Let there be cake!" and from the fiery bowels of my oven came the darkest, heaviest, chocolate cake yet. Look at the goo ooze from the centre. Now thats a fucking cake!

As usual, you surprise me. I should be used to it by now, but even expecting the unexpected would never be enough. Its the simple, wonderful, things that make me smile. I guess I'm just that easy, although I'm sure I could write a novel on the things you've done to make me smile.

I know what to do.....

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Its finished

Its finished, and it marks the end. Pretty dang cool bike if I do say so myself. Its even fun to ride minus the fact that its 3 sizes too small for me. I cant get over how comfy the grips are, I need to check if they come in pink for my bike.

My freakin neck is sore and I havent really slept in the last 3 days. There is way too much going on inside my little head. Ideas I had for the summer which need to be changed, new ideas, new options, but fuck. Its almost too much.

I hate when everyone tells you to do the oposite of what you want to do. Even if it would be so much easier, I dont want to listen.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Spin them hoops

I love building wheels. Its even better in the relax environment at Brakeless. There's always fun/funny people hangin' around. Wanna come with me some time?

Life though, I will never understand its ups and downs. A week ago it was amazing in one half, and this week that half SUCKS but there's other amazing things going on. I don't really understand why it can't just be even. I don't ask for THAT much do I? Maybe that's just it, I don't ask.

My Mom said I should write down exactly what I want in life and in someone to share that with so I can project that onto the universe. I've thought about it a lot but how do I put it into words..... I think it's time to figure that out.

Glow in the WHAT now?

Ive never tried to take a picture of something glow-in-the-dark before. That was interesting.

Last night i wasnt tired so I went for a ride. I went by your house to see if the light was on, it wasnt so I continued on my way.... What I didnt know was that i was going to take a ride down memory lane. I rode by my old apartments and the places I used to hang. Its funny, theres still signs of me around this town! It was the perfect temp. for a ride last night and after an hour of cruising the streets I was ready for bed.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bang bang

Oh snap! My floor is covered with little white BB's. My friends and I like toys too much. GROW UP.... ha, never. But maybe save some money... yeah yeah... Its cool having a buddy come over with a few beers sometimes. Shoot the shit and this time, literally, shoot shit.

My want/need to make this better then they are originally is really starting to take over. I'm always trying to make things better, buying stuff to make them faster or stronger, modifying them in some way. Maybe it's a sign that I should go back to school soon... mechanical engineer? I don't know.... Not here though.