Sunday, April 26, 2009

Spin them hoops

I love building wheels. Its even better in the relax environment at Brakeless. There's always fun/funny people hangin' around. Wanna come with me some time?

Life though, I will never understand its ups and downs. A week ago it was amazing in one half, and this week that half SUCKS but there's other amazing things going on. I don't really understand why it can't just be even. I don't ask for THAT much do I? Maybe that's just it, I don't ask.

My Mom said I should write down exactly what I want in life and in someone to share that with so I can project that onto the universe. I've thought about it a lot but how do I put it into words..... I think it's time to figure that out.

Glow in the WHAT now?

Ive never tried to take a picture of something glow-in-the-dark before. That was interesting.

Last night i wasnt tired so I went for a ride. I went by your house to see if the light was on, it wasnt so I continued on my way.... What I didnt know was that i was going to take a ride down memory lane. I rode by my old apartments and the places I used to hang. Its funny, theres still signs of me around this town! It was the perfect temp. for a ride last night and after an hour of cruising the streets I was ready for bed.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bang bang

Oh snap! My floor is covered with little white BB's. My friends and I like toys too much. GROW UP.... ha, never. But maybe save some money... yeah yeah... Its cool having a buddy come over with a few beers sometimes. Shoot the shit and this time, literally, shoot shit.

My want/need to make this better then they are originally is really starting to take over. I'm always trying to make things better, buying stuff to make them faster or stronger, modifying them in some way. Maybe it's a sign that I should go back to school soon... mechanical engineer? I don't know.... Not here though.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bro Sesh 2006

Bro Sesh today with Duncan, Chris, and Jean-Michel. The first pic there is actually a bar-spin off the little ledge. Its quite scary because if I spin too late it hits my toes and I land ol'front wheel sideways! SHIZ. One time I had it bounce off my toe and jam my finger... FUUUUUUCK that hurts, my left hand is outa comish now. It was cold and warm at the same time, all in all it was a grand ol'time.

I need a new bike.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


well apparently my body doesnt like working too much. 9:30-10:30 on monday and 12-10:30 wednesday.... arg. now Im sick! I took the day off today and spent all my energy getting groceries and making sick soup and tea. arg! I hate being sick, especially when I have no one to take care of me!!!

Not only am I sick, but it gets worse. My fucking computer died! more ARGH! Last night i came home and my house smelt a little like burning and my computer was off... checked it out all seemed good... turned it back on and theres a harddrive error! crap! oh well, run some checks and fix that and all seems good. turn it on this afternoon... 5 mins in theres a crackle snap pop and *smoke* DO'h! it turns of then back on on its on... i unplugged and and foudn the power switch melted... FUCCCCCCCCCCCK. so I needa new powersupply and maybe more... fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Today I made cookies. I tried to remember the simple recipe my dad used... and I was sure I had it but I went for a look anyway. Found it on some site as "easy oatmeal cookies". Removed the egg from the list and BANG there it was, the recipe I grew up on. These ones have Butterscotch chips in them and they are yummmmmmers.

Making cookies made me think.
Made me think about things that make me happy;
I should bake more often,
but not alone.